How did you become a writer?

I worked until I was 27 years old, but the IMF came.I thought that there's no lifetime job for women, I needed a job for the rest of my life and my cameraman friend asked me to be a writer, so I randomly registered for the broadcasting academy.

I met the godfather of documentaries at the academy. If I write, it's a documentary. I thought I'm a person who persuades than be creative.The Academy makes us try out all genres. I've written all the documentaries, comedies, and plays, and the professor told me to join LA Arirang because you're a creative fit. Writing documentary needs heavy responsibility and philosphy, I'm not that one. I liked to read and write humanism story mellowed out enough. But I couldn't get used to it in LA Arirang. Peopl would laugh at what I don't think it's hilarious. That was hard time for me.

Writers should write what's inside them, what's funny for them.

I wrote a diary from when I was 14 years old till I turned 27. Seeing that I never stopped writing, I think I had a nature to become a writer. At first, I saw writer Lee Moon-yeol's writing, I loved his perfect sentences that just warmly depicts human being without some technical skills of the writing.

I wrote a lot for 10 years when I was writing a tv sitcom, and all the writers I worked with at that time succeeded. Except for me! I thought I'll be the successful one either. However, when a junior writer that is quite new to playwright became successful, I did not write a single line for a year. One year later, I calmed down. It was admirable that I didn't try to get involved with someone's flow, chasing the fashion. 流水不爭先 (유수부쟁선) 'flowing water doesn't fight for ahead' everything has its own timing.

IMF. in 1997 IMF hit Korea, many people lose their jobs, and commit suicide.

LA Arirang: Korean sitcom aired during 1995-2000

from which do you get motivated?

some writers needs simple plot to start with, others needs characters. I'm the latter. I made 오해영(Oh Hae Young) with a thought that 'If I reborn, I would be an easy girl' when writing Another Miss Oh. when I wrote My Mister, male leads are pretty strange in other dramas. those who have super powers or a very strange personality. I never felt anything for them, so I want to write something that people would be touched with human beings. What if a normal-looking middle aged man helps you find a true human nature (like good?) and that makes how many people can be teared up?

To make the story developed, I need a tough girl(Jian) to exploit him, who is the only one can see through him. the reason why I focus on the character is that I believe miniseries requires some characters to atrract viewers. It's human-centered, that we need the chracters be kept to the end of the drama, not just wasted on one episode. All the characters have at least a part of my emotions

what's the hardest moment?

Surely it's when the rating gets low. nowadays it's common we filming entire episodes before it rolls out, which helps me a lot. Writers are face of the dramas, they get all of the curses from audience. I feel guilty for all of responses.

What's important when you make characters

Does he/she deserves a support from viewers? that's the point

how do you depict an inner feeling of a character?

Only a few knows why this character saying or acting like that, the reason deeply underlaid in his/her inner mind. I learned how to catch up with it from my mother, but also I finished a course of group counselling psychology in college, where we only talk about feeling in groups of 7 people. after 6 months with that course, I could mastered the skill of seeing through a person

Have you been happy as a writer?

Definitely not. is a teller of bank happy? It's just a job, which gets critisized everyday. I endured all the time, with a thought like: Be less painful next time, doing a two-hour meditation everyday, managing to start working after several hours struggling. Meditation helps a little, a process of making a zone named 'no curse allowed' I embraced myself hard when writing My Mister, but it was so hard as well when 1st episode released.

What kind of attitude do you take when writing?